Laser Used to Detect Decay
For a long time in dentistry, we have noticed no decay in your x-rays and visual exam only to see an area of decay six months later. The reason; the decay was too small to detect by the naked eye. We now have a laser (diagnosed) that detects decay that has just started and is hard to see visually on an x-ray. The diagnosed detected decay can be restored without anesthesia (shots) or drills. We use an air abrasion instrument called the KCP 1000 to remove the decay. The powder is Aluminum oxide and tastes like chalk. Then we flow BPA free resin into the void, bond it and you’re finished. No numbing or drilling is needed. Since we have been using the diagnosed laser, we have detected many unseen areas of decay but also have found that dark areas we thought were decay, we found only to be a stain. So it also saves doing unnecessary procedures as well.