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An answer to the inquiries some of you have had, I will try to better explain why you would want laser treatment for your gum disease rather than scalpel surgery.

The laser is very precise and allows us to treat gum disease in a pinpoint manner rather than the more broad area needed for conventional surgery. Since it is a more defined area of treatment, we can intercept problems before they become big and require you to face more serious (and expensive) treatment. The laser can be used to treat one tooth or several teeth at one time. Another benefit is that no shots are needed in 90% of the cases and you can eat as soon as we are finished. Bleeding is minimal since the laser cauterizes as it works. There are no stitches needed following laser surgery as well. It also means less risk of spreading blood-borne diseases since the laser sterilizes the area that we treat for infection. The process is quick, minimally invasive and pain-free. It feels like your tissue has been “sanded”

Is It Safe?

Yes, very safe. Lasers like the one in our office have safely performed millions of procedures. This safety is also supported by hundreds of university studies. Our laser is so precise, it only removes a few cell layers at a time. It delivers its beam in tiny pulses. In any given second, it is actually off longer than it is on because it is a pulse laser. Because of the “pulse” nature of this laser, the nerve tissue does not even know the laser has been there, so the pain response never happens.

Since 1990, when the FDA cleared this laser to be used on the soft tissue, millions of patients have been treated with this instrument rather than the old scalpel and suture surgery you may be familiar with. Here are some of the advantages of laser surgery over scalpel surgery:

  • Faster and more efficient
  • Bloodless in most cases
  • Less invasive ( no-scalpel and sutures)
  • much more precise
  • More comfortable post-operatively ( no post-op meds needed)
  • you can eat right away

If you have been diagnosed with gum disease or think you may have gum disease, you owe it to yourself to call us for an examination. I know we can treat it with the laser. None of my patients have had periodontal surgery with a scalpel since 1990. You can call us at 317-578-1933 or 800-555-1111.