Start Orthodontics at 6 Years Old
In our office, we have been evaluating and treating 7-year-olds for 25 years. The reason is several-fold. First, we have found that while the child is in their growing stages, we can actually grow bone to make room for their teeth. This has prevented us from extracting permanent teeth almost totally. If you start late and they have to have their permanent bicuspids removed, you increase the risk of TMJ problems later in their 20-40’s. We treat TMJ cases and that is why 30 years ago we educated ourselves on early treatment to avoid these problems.
At about 7 years of age, the child is ready to “look better” because they have crowded teeth or the baby teeth won’t come out. Either case is due to the permanent teeth being “jammed up ” in the bone due to lack of room for them to erupt. Usually, we are finished with their appliances and braces by the time the traditional orthodontist has started. It is not uncommon for us to be totally finished by 10-11 years old.
You can call either of my offices for more information.
317-578-1933 in Fishers
800-555-1111 in Anderson